dijous, 15 de març del 2018

Art pieces from the Ancient Age

In relation to the project “Capfoguer“, the students of 5th grade recreated four art pieces from the Ancient Age. For native civilizations, they designed and painted some Iberian vessels and Celtic symbols. For Colonizing civilizations they drew Greek columns with chalk and made Roman mosaics with stickers.

Enjoy their creations and remember that there is a temporary exhibition about music in the Ancient Age at the CaixaForum Barcelona until 6th May. It would be a good idea to visit and contemplate pieces of the civilizations we have studied. 

4 comentaris:

  1. estat molt divetit jo he fet les 4 coses que estenien que fer a tothom li a cadat genial i molt macos la nostre profe de plàstica si que sap gràcies Eli
    Helena Fernàndez

  2. M'ha encantat fer les acrivitats de celtes, grecs, romans i ibers. Sou uns cracks a plastica per pensar tot això. M'ho he passat genial. gracies.

    Iker González

  3. Jo no m’imaginava que fariem aquestes coses!!! Quina pena que ja no fem mes classes
    Cristina Villa

  4. Va ser molt divertit
    gracies ELIII !!!!!



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