dimecres, 22 de febrer del 2017

Playing with POP-ART

Creative, original, different, colorful, full of energy are some of the words that can define 5th year Arts and Crafts work. After learning a little bit about this movement and discovering one of the most famous artists of this period, Andy Warhol, our students tried to create their own masterpieces. They worked with the IPADs to take pictures and create some effects using them. After that they decided which were the best pictures and which ones they wanted to print. The next session they cut it up and did the montage.

Here you have some of them. We hope that you enjoy watching them as much as our students did creating them.

dijous, 16 de febrer del 2017

Xilòfons i carillons

Els alumnes de cinquè, després d’uns dies de treball amb la flauta, ens hem iniciat amb els instruments de placa, en aquest cas, els xilòfons i els carillons.

Així doncs, de mica en mica anem aprenent un fragment de la Simfonia del nou món de Antonin Dvorak. Un cop la tinguem acabada, la tocarem de forma extraordinària tots junts i a diferents veus.

Salutacions musicals!

dijous, 2 de febrer del 2017

Did you know? Learning with Bridie!

Bridie, our British conversation assistant, prepared a quiz to practise the superlative adjectives and learn some facts about the United Kingdom.

She asked us six questions on geography, history, buildings... and we had to guess the correct answer. We worked in small groups, as teams, and checked our answers. Bridie gave us additional information and we learned incredible facts: Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II has ruled the country for the longest time? And, did you know that Oxford University is the oldest in the UK and the second oldest in the world? 
The teams with the highest scores got the prize: two stamps each on their speaking files!

Thanks, Bridie, for your help!