dimarts, 25 d’octubre del 2016

Seres mitológicos

Pegaso, Ave Fénix, Nereidas, Ogros, Minotauros… son algunos de los seres mitológicos que nuestros alumnos de 5º han estado conociendo durante estas semanas.

Por otra parte, las leyendas mitológicas griegas han transportado a nuestros alumnos al barco de Ulises con las sirenas o a la boda de Tetis y Peleo con la manzana de la discordia de la diosa Eris.

Un fascinante mundo por descubrir, con miles de historias y leyendas.

dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2016

Let's talk about... our day!

All students in level 5 have been working hard these days to talk about their daily routines.

First they selected the ideas and used the correct vocabulary: wake up, leave home, always, in the morning… Then they designed a poster to use in class. They had to practise and feel confident enough to talk about their day in front of their classmates and teacher. And finally, they wrote the sentences on their posters, too.

Now everyone can read other students’ projects and enjoy!

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016


The students of 5th grade are working their creativity and imagination by producing abstract trees in the subject of Arts and Crafts. It is an individual work where students design and create their own tree with different materials and colours. They choose themselves how they want to do it, the distribution and which materials and colours they want to use for the design. 

Last week we started the creation of these abstract trees. They are very original. The students have used materials such as cotton, cardboard, clay, real leaves, newspaper, wooden sticks and so on.

The students have shown us their great imagination. Enjoy their works! 

dijous, 6 d’octubre del 2016

Iniciem la robòtica a 5è

Aquesta setmana els alumnes de cinquè s'han iniciat a les classes de robòtica i han fet servir per primer cop el LEGO EV3. Abans de començar a construir els seus robots, per grups, han hagut de col·locar, conèixer i revisar tot el material de les capses. Tenen moltes ganes de començar a construir els seus robots!